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Carver - Tell-Trac Tractor Canopy
Tractor Canopy Orders
Canopy Order Form
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Made in the USA
Mounts to roll bar (ROPS).
Fits all popular tractors with roll bars.
Seal of Confidence
We have sold these high quality canopy / sun shades over twenty five years.
They are indeed the very best canopies I ever seen anywhere and are manufactured in Tennessee for us by a wonderful family owned and operated small business. 'Highest Quality Possible' is their hallmark.
Steve Carver, 53 years in business.

includes fiberglass canopy top, steel frame and steel bracket, mounting hardware.

The fiberglass canopies are available in the following colors:
Ask if not listed

Case - IH Red
Case IH White
Century Red
Farm Trac Blue
Ford (old) Blue
John Deere Green
John Deere Yellow
John Deere White
Kioti Orange
Kubota Orange
Marhindra Red
New Holland Blue
Zetor Red

Mounting: All parts included in the kit.

Steel frame beneath fiberglass.

Shipping - Delivery Cost
All prepaid with order and mower purchase. No CODs. Options are listed lowest (top) to highest cost (bottom).

Select check boxes for the type delivery you are considering.
Private Hauler - Customer Provided
Customer arranges for private hauler pickup at our USA Distribution Center. Wilson NC zip 27893. Requires advance 24 hours prepayment to our sales office by check, wire transfer or credit cards. Weekdays, 9 AM - 3 PM. Load out service only. No retail services at this location. No charge for load-out service.

Ship to a Estes Express or Averitt Express (or western connecting freight company) Terminal.
Requires customer pickup at the terminal with pick up or trailer. The terminal personnel will load the crate onto your vehicle with forklift. Least costly way to ship.

Ship to a Registered Business Location (not home or farm office)
Ship to a regular business area where large semi truck-trailers can easily go and come. The business will have 8 - 5 operating hours and a loading ramp / dock or forklift / front end loader that will be onsite to unload the crate. Customer can arrange details with the business. Usually same price as terminal delivery unless the business is at extreme remote region as far as truck lines are concerned.

Ship to a Home Business, Residence, Farm-Ranch
Where an adult is present and unloading equipment is available 8-5 hours and at a place with roads and street where large semi truck-trailers can easily go and come. When available, usually adds $50. - $ 100.+ estimate above cost of terminal delivery-pickup.

Ship with Lift Gate - Hydraulic raise-lower to ground level to a Home Business, Residence, Farm-Ranch
Where an adult is present and unloading equipment is available 8-5 hours and at a place with roads and street where large semi truck-trailers can easily go and come. When available, usually adds $100. - $ 150.+ estimate above cost of terminal delivery-pickup.


Include your complete name, street address with zip code, Tractor mfg. and model, color and series of canopy.

All Rights Reserved.
Physical Address
Fast Forward Services, Inc.
dba CarverEquipment.Com

Home Office
714 Westbrook Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334
Telephone: 919 902-0522

E-mail: stvcarv@aol.com
E-mail: carvstv@gmail.com
Mail to address:
Fast Forward Services, Inc.
PO Box 754
Dunn, NC 28335-0754
Ship point:
No retail
4608 Lely Road
Wilson, NC 27893

We welcome these four credit cards, however we must add sales fees to cover the extra fees charged for these credit card transactions. Visa and MasterCard + 3.5%, American Express and Discover + 6.5%.

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