Carver Equipment, Dunn NC, Farming Equipment

EZ Rivet Tool - Carver

Made to Last A Lifetime
Heavy Duty Cast Iron Construction
Replacement Parts In Stock

Carver EZ Rivet Tool Pricing:
$169.50 paying with check
$178.00 paying with Visa or Master Card.

Carver EZ Rivet Tool

Carver EZ Rivet Tool Carver EZ Rivet Tool
Carver EZ Rivet Tool
Carver EZ Rivet Tool

Carver EZ Rivet Tool
Carver EZ Rivet Tool
Carver EZ Rivet Tool

Our rivet tool has been around (unchanged) since the late 50s or early 60s.

It presses and brads rivets in with lots less hammering. It does a great job pushing out all rivets. It does a great job brading to shaft end of round head rivets.

However, please know: It will not tighten the countersunk brads to a satisfactory and finished point with the countersunk headed rivets we use with the sickle bar mowers.

It still has much value when installed the countersunk rivets as it will center them, secure the sections and start the brading process to a point it's easy to finish flatting them with the hand held hammer an anvil to get the extra tight brad needed finish.

We are working with the foundry to design the tool or accessory to perform a perfect job of the flat head countersunk rivets as well.

Carver Equipment