Phoenix - Sicma
Ditch Bank Flail Mowers

All models include: Hydraulic Boom Offset with CV PTO Shaft, Skids and HD Roller Mows 65 degrees down, 90 degrees vertical.

Why buy Phoenix - Sicma Ditch Bank Flail Mowers?
These mowers have earned the reputation of being the very best valued and quality mowers in the worldwide marketplace for most applications. They have the ultra high standards of quality controls insuring the best workmanship and materials in the market. They are carefully loaded into sealed containers for the overseas shipment. After being unloaded at our distribution center, they are ready to be shipped direct to you.

Pricing Guide* **
* Prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
** North Carolina buyers without NCDOR tax exemption or re-sale accounts add 7% sales tax

Carver Equipment